[Trade Journal]
Publication: Hartford Board of Trade -- 7th Annual Meeting
Hartford, CT, United States
p. 14, 20, col. 1
The Hartford Faience Company, reorganized, and, without increase in stock-liability, placed on a strong financial basis late in 1899, last fall built an extension, 120 by 30 feet, for the manufacture of porcelain for electrical uses. This is a new department added to the old lines, which are to be pushed with increased vigor.
From the outset having suffered from insufficiency of commercial capital, "The Atwood Faience Company," to be known hereafter as "The Hartford Faience Company," without any increase of stock liability, have recently put into the concern about $25,000 in cash. December 11th the works started up under the new regime, with abundant funds and bright prospects. The factory is located on the Consolidated Railway just beyond the Tube Works, and has a capacity of 160,000 square feet of tiling per year. Despite lack of means for properly pushing the business, the product has, on merit alone, won great favor with architects and builders, drawing buyers without solicitation. As a result of successful experiments the company had developed several new lines that are made nowhere else. Standard varieties for relief, etc., will be kept in stock, while unusual varieties will be made on orders. President, C. E. Whitney; Secretary and Treasurer, F. L. Bishop; General Manager, Edward W. Robinson, late of New York city.