[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electric Railway Journal
New York, NY, United States
vol. 56, no. 8, p. 394, col. 2-3
Trade Notes
The Locke Insulator Manufacturing Company, Victor, N. Y., announces the resignation of B. A. Plimpton, sales manager, effective Aug. 15. For the present his duties will be taken over by D. H. Osborne, acting sales manager at Victor, N. Y.
The Porcelain Insulator Corporation, Lima, N. Y., recently incorporated with a capital stock of $250,000, is planning to erect a new plant on the old site of the plant of the Locke Insulator Manufacturing Company, which was destroyed by fire more than a year ago. The new company will manufacture high-voltage porcelain insulators and electrical appliances, starting with a four-kiln capacity. It is expected to have the plant in operation by January 1921. W. F. Harvey is president, D. H. Finucan vice-president, B. A. Plimpton secretary and V. E. Taylor treasurer.