Walls of Hemingray factory blown down by storm


Publication: Cincinnati Daily Press

Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 3, no. 87, p. 3, col. 5


THE GREAT STORM YESTERDAY — EXTENT OF THE DAMAGE — A terrible storm of wind, accompanied by a heavy fall of rain, passed over this city yesterday afternoon, about half-past three o'clock, the parallel of which has not occurred.within the memory of the "oldest inhabitant" It burst forth very suddenly and swept over with violence, for fifteen or twenty minutes, destroying trees, chimneys, roofs, and houses in its course.

The walls of the third, story of the glassworks, belonging to Gray, Hemingray & Co., were very badly injured, all of the south side, and a part of its west end, being blown down, causing a loss of from $500 to $800.

The gable-end of a frame house on the corner of Third and Madison-streets, belonging to R. Mayberry, was blown down; loss $100. The roof of 'Squire Arnold's large dwelling was blown off; loss $200 . The walls of a new brick house in process of construction, the property of Daniel Mooar, Esq., were very badly injured and partially thrown down. The rolling-mill on the river bank, between Scott and Madison-streets, was very badly damaged, the west end being nearly all blown down: loss $300. A two-story house attached to the bagging factory, in the west end, was unroofed and otherwise injured. The ferry-boat Queen City had her pipe blown down, and was otherwise badly damaged. The Kentucky, belonging to the same company, met a similar fate, and was put into Licking for repairs.

A stable belonging to Mr. Barr, on Front-street, was unroofed. The board containing the rates of fare on the west end of the bridge was blown down. The telegraph line was broken, interrupting all communication with the interior. It would be useless to attempt to notice, particularly, the chimneys, shade-trees, &c. that were destroyed. The south end of the town suffered little.

The steamboat Virginia Home, towing a number of coal-boats, was completely capsized, off the Water Works, and carried down opposite the Mouth of Willow-run, where she sank, and is now lying, All on board took to the flat-boats, and were blown ashore.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:April 10, 2014 by: Bob Stahr;