Publication: The Penny Press
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 2, no. 81, p. 3, col. 3
Coal Oil, Lamps and Burners.
The card of Messrs. Gray, Hemingray & Brothers, which will be found in our columns, fully announces to the Western and Southern trade the nature and extent of the various articles of Glass-ware, &c., constantly turned out by the skillful workmen at their extensive works, on the banks of the Ohio, and which obviate any necessity, so far as quality and prices are concerned, of a resort to any other establishment in the East or elsewhere; but our purpose is now more especially, in the first place, to invite the attention of the trade, and all interested, to the quality and styles of the
which they manufacture for the use of railroads, steamboats, and for any required purpose. None of your Yankee notions, made not for use, but for sale, and which have too long flooded the South and West, only to melt, be thrown overboard, or to be strewn along the various railroad routes by agents and conductors, so grossly imposed upon. The Lanterns of Gray, Hemingray & Brothers are of their own manufacture, of the self-adjusting and other most approved patents and styles, and constructed with a view to durability.
Since chemical science has overcome the only objection to the oil, by deodorising it, and thus destroying the offensive odor, this basis for artificial light must throw all other fluids into disuse, it being the nearest approach to gas, in point of safety, brilliancy and economy, being, after all, liquid gas. The oil being pure, the next important matter is the burner, and though scores of abortive contrivances have been palmed upon the public, G., H. & Bros. have what may be confidently styled
in which the wick works with entire freedom, avoiding all smoke or offensive odors, may be adjusted to oil and fluid lamps, and defying all competition.
They have always on hand a large stock of pure deodorised oil lamps for all purposes, chimneys, shades, wicks, brushes, &c.
Remember No. 20 East Columbia-street.
CINCINNATI, November 11, 1859.
Messrs. Gray & Hemingray:
GENTS — The Collins Burner you sent me I have fully tested, and must acknowledge that it is superior to any that I have tried; and for length and extent of flame, and the freedom of it from flickering, I have met with no burner that will produce the same extent of flame, or such uniformity of it during combustion. With the same wick and oil it will give fully one-half more light than the Jones or any other burner I am acquainted with.
Respectfully, Yours, &c.,
E. S. WAYNE, Chemist,
Phoenix Oil-works, Cincinnati.