Publication: The Memphis Daily Appeal
Memphis, TN, United States
p. 4, col. 5
A Wholesale Whiskey Merchant Makes
an Assignment.
An assignment was made yesterday by G. Baum, a wholesale liquor dealer at 356 Main street, to Abraham Cecil. The paper states that he is indebted to the following persons: Freiberg & Workum in the sum of $46,006.86; to Kerbs & Spies $4318.60; to Charles Nelson $2147.60; to the Manhattan bank $1500; to Henry H. Shufeld & Co., $2269.88; to the Paloka Distilling Company $807.07; to Reinstram [sic] Rheinstrom Bros., $1315.81; to the Mohr & Mohr company, of Cincinnati, Ohio, $421; to the United States Distilling Company, of Chicago, Illinois, $1101.97; to S. Jacobs & Co., $946.80; to Woodward, Moore & Burnham $619; to the Southern Glass Company, of Louisville, Kentucky, $187.50; to Rohalski & Greenhall $150; to North Wheeling Glass Company $206.50; to Hemingray Glass Company $249.55; to Crouse & Co., $563.80; to J. Hays & Co., $243.75; to Isaac Reis $467.05; to the Leuk Wine Company, of Toledo, Ohio, $716.13; to Holzman, Deutschberger & Co., $262 60; to John Osborn, Son & Co., $484.46; to Feldman & Schaurman $519.30; to Hirscham & Bendheim $762.50; to H. L. Stehman & Co., $180; to Sperry & Wade $631.60; to James Levy & Bro., $3093.28; to D. S. Erb $340; to P. Pohalski $510; to L. Somborn & Co., $646.46; to Herman Batjer & Bro., $377.90; to Galway & Casada, $177.65; to A. S. Valentine & Son $391.95; to Arpad, Haraszthy & Co., $624.73; to Kaufman Bros. & Bondi $892.30; to Samuel Streit & Co., $1026.50; to Lawrence Meyers & Co., $1780.21; to C. L. Mills $622.63. He assigns all his fixtures and merchandise. He mortgaged his house-hold property to Sam Lowenstein on the 10th. The total indebtedness of Baum foots up about $80,000.