Publication: The Kentucky Post
Covington, KY, United States
no. 3805, p. 1, col. 1-3
Rosy Rumor of the Coming Marriage of
a Former Covington Beauty.
Wealthy Young Broker, of New Orleans,
Will Lead Her to the Altar in April.
Much romance figures in the coming marriage of Miss Sue Ashley Hemingray, 19, of Muncie, Ind., to Lewis Thompson, a wealthy young broker of New Orleans, which will be an event early in April. A little flirtation ended in a desperate love affair, and Miss Hemingray, who was attending a boarding school, refused to go back to books, and announced to her mother that hereafter love would be her only teacher.
There was quite a stormy scene for awhile, as Mrs. Hemingray objected strongly to her daughter marrying, but Cupid proved victorious in the end; so the engagement has been announced to a few Covington friends.
Letters received in this city state that the bride-to-be is coming to this city shortly to purchase her trousseau, and that her marriage will take place to young Thompson in April. Miss Hemingray is the daughter of the late Robert Hemingray, owner of the Hemingray Glassworks; a niece of Daniel C. Hemingray, Secretary and Treasurer of the Hemingray Glassworks, in this city, and a niece of Bradford Shinkle, the wealthy Covington capitalist.
The family lived in Covington up to two years ago, when Robert Hemingray removed the main plant of the Hemingray Glassworks to Muncie, Ind., taking his family with him. Miss Ashley Hemingray is well known in Covington, where she has a host of friends. While in Covington she was a leader in society’s younger set, and captured many hearts. She is a beautiful girl and always had lots of admirers.
She is the sisteer [sic] sister of Robbin Hemingray, a young race horse man, who figured in one of the sensations of the past year, when Carlotta Campiglio, a beautiful Covington girl, killed herself last November in a San Francisco hotel, because, as she stated in a pathetic note left behind, she could not live without his love,
Lewis Thompson, the young man whom Miss Hemingray is to marry, is associated with Robbin Hemingray on the turf. They own a number of horses in joint partnership at New Orleans, and it was while a guest of her brother that Miss Hemingray met him. She was at home from boarding school for the Christmas holidays, and young Thompson was visiting her brother.
A mild flirtation started between the young people, which rapidly ripened into love, and then Miss Hemingray announced to her astonished mother that it was Thompson or no one.
All of her mother’s objections were overridden, and her consent was finally obtained. Mrs. Hemingray has been in very delicate health ever since her son Robbin's escapade with the Campiglio girl at San Francisco, and on this account the marriage of her daughter will be a very quiet affair, only immediate relatives and warm friends being invited. In a letter Miss Hemingray states that they will make their future home, in St. Louis,