Publication: The Cincinnati Daily Gazette
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 23, no. 7043, p. 6, col. 2
[From the Merchant's Exchange Books.]
FROM LOUISVILLE — Per TELEGRAPH No 2: 65 sks feathers, Holden; 6 rolls leather, Lumsden; 1 pkg money, L & Fargo; 5 cks feed, Guthrie; 42 bales cotton, Buchanan; 11 empty brls, 15 do hf do, Biliards; 38 empty brls, Geesbaum; 2 kegs butter, Gone; 2 bxs, B & Thompson; 22 hf brls, Fortman; 50 barrels lime, Marsh & Co; 114 do do, Aldrich; 67 brls whisky, 4 do oil, C & Perrin; 50 brls cement, Marshall; 25 do do, Hubble & Co; 53 pkgs, Meaking; 5 tcs fseed, 3 cks do, 1 brl do, Guthrie & Co; 14 bxs cast iron pipes, Hall; 20 bxs tobacco, Swasey & Co; 50 brls whisky, Cohoon & Perrin; 18 pkgs, sundry consignees.
Per BEN FRANKLIN: 6 hhds tobacco, 1 box samples, C & Ford; 5 bgs pepper, Scoville; 1 box paper, Hartwell; 1 horse, LeBoutalier, 5 rolls leather, 3 bndls hides, Cronin & Co; 2 express pkgs, Mowton; 15 brls cement, Borden; 2 brls, 1 keg, Bates; 25 barrels beer kegs, Geesbaum; 4 brls glass, Gray & Hemmingray; 1 chest oysters, Sims.