Publication: The Indianapolis Journal
Indianapolis, IN, United States
vol. 54, no. 35, p. 3, col. 3
Three Organizations, with $50,000
Capital Each, to Operate in
the Delaware Field.
Special to the Indianapolis Journal.
MUNCIE, Ind., Feb. 3. In the past few weeks no less than a dozen local oil companies have been formed to operate in the vicinity of Muncie. This means that the coming spring will be one of the greatest activity in this section of the oil field. Today three companies were launched.
The Kirby House Oil Company, with a capital stock of $50,000, is composed of the following local men: George A. O'Neil, I. W. Kelley. T. F. Rose. J. J. Dow, J. C. Johnson, W. E. Hitchcock and C. H. Anthony.
The Concord Oil and Gas Company was organized with a capital of $50,000. William Flinn, of Pittsburg, is president; M. K. McMullen, Pittsburg, vice president, and R. C. [sic] G. Hemingray, Muncie, secretary and treasurer. Other members are: T. H. Given. Pittsburg, and J. C. Gray and J. C. Bartling, Muncie.
The Deep Rock Oil Company, incorporated to-day, is capitalized at $50,000 and is composed of Albany, Ind., men, who will operate in this county. The members are: John A. Goebler. N. R. Baker, Elmer Ferguson, James F. Hitchcock, C. K. Matthews and T. A. Null.