Publication: The Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, CA, United States
p. 6;1, col. 5
Torrance on First Birthday Gets
Assurance of New Industrial Acquisition --
Plant to Manufacture Glass.
Coincident with the first birthday of Torrance, announcement is made that another factory shortly will be added to that manufacturing center's list of industrial plants, making a total of ten to be estabished there in a year. The new acquisition is the California Glass Insulator Company, now located at Long Beach. Negotiations, which have been going forward for some time, have just been completed by the purchase of a site by the glass company, whose plans are said to call for a modern factory structure 100x300 feet in size.
It is not given out at this time whether the Long Beach plant will be continued or abandoned. At present the company employs about seventy five workmen. At Torrance the force may be increased to 300. In addition to manufacturing glass insulators, the company also will make glass preserving jars.
Other Torrance improvements in contemplation include the erection shortly of 100 new homes for workmen. These dwellings will be built along model lines and will be of the type to rent at modest prices. The demand for homes in Torrance, it is said, has far exceeded the supply and in consequence many employees of the factories are compelled to find accommodations in neighboring communities.