Publication: The Anacortes American
Anacortes, WA, United States
vol. 22, no. 21, p. 17, col. 2-5
Plant Has Already Proven Highly Successful and Its
Product is in Demand in All Parts of the
Great Pacific Northwest
Modern Machinery Has Been Installed and Next Year
the Plant Will Be Operated at Full Capacity
and Employ a Larger Force
One of the newer industries of Anacortes and one which is destined to attain phenomenal success when it shall have become more thoroughly established with the trade, is the Anacortes Glass company, whose plant has been in operation for about five months and which has been literally swamped with orders more recently. In fact, the company was unable to get orders out on time, due to the fact that the plant had not been completed in all departments. However, from this time on this difficulty will be overcome and next season the Anacortes Glass company will be in shape to properly handle the entire trade of the Pacific Northwest and will gradually extend [text moved to highlighted section] it's business to other parts of the country.
With one of the most modern and complete plants of the kind anywhere in the country, the company next year will furnish employment to about fifty people, when the pay roll will amount to $6,000 or more per month — a sum which will materially add to the prosperity and sound progress of merchants and dealers of Anacortes. The company has the best possible and sand and material for the manufacture of high grade fruit jars, bottles and insulators and it is also prepared to make any and everything in the way of specialties. Many of these have been turned out to order and have been pronounced of the highest standard by those familiar with the glass manufacturing business.
Some idea of the extent of this new industry may be gained when it is said that the buildings, designed especially for the purpose, have 30,000 square feet of floor space — something more than half an acre. Every department has been equipped with the latest and most modern appliances of every description, insuring the high and uniform quality of the product. Only the best of skilled and experienced glass blowers are employed, and as a result the output of the plant has given universal satisfaction. Ample shipping facilities have been provided to insure prompt forwarding or all orders and as soon as the plant is in full operation no delay will be experienced. The company sells direct to dealers in all parts at the Pacific Northwest, and because of its central location is able to save them a material amount in freights and also to render them far better service in the the way of filling quick or rush orders. Furthermore, consumers will be partial to cans, bottles, etc., which are made in this section of the country — patronize home industry, in other words.
It is due to the efforts of E. A. MacKay that this splendid industry has been established in Anacortes. For a number of years this gentleman has been making a thorough study of conditions in this part of the country with reference to furnishing the trade with glass products, his final conclusion being that Anacortes offered the best inducements from the standpoint of available raw material, location and transportation facilities by both rail and water. This having been settled, Mr. MacKay interested N. Jerns, of Bellingham, and the company was organized and operations commenced. However, it is due to the element of Scotch perseverance that the plant was finally built, for, as in other matters, obstacles were encountered which would have discouraged a man with less determination. However, Mr. MacKay continued along the even tenor of his way, overcoming the seemingly insurmountable, and today he takes just pride in the plant which is the direct result or his labors. And, meantime, Anacortes people appreciate the location of this industry here and will support it loyally.