Publication: The Anacortes American
Anacortes, WA, United States
vol. 24, no. 41, p. 14, col. 3-6
Anacortes Glass Company is Only
Industry of it's Kind in the State
To Anacortes belongs the unique and flattering distinction to having the only glass works in the northwest. In executive control of this factory are Messrs. Edward and E. J. Pearson, father and son, respectively, expert glass manufacturers, who came here from Milwaukee a year ago to accept their present positions.
Although erected several years ago, the factory was not successfully operated until the present management took charge. Outside of a few experimental runs, the machinery had not been continuously operated.
Now the factory is turning out about one hundred and fifty gross of beer bottles each working day. The importance of the company to Anacortes as an industrial unit can better be understood when it is learned that fifty men are employed, with a monthly payroll of about $4,000. Men employed in this work are, for the most part, highly paid, skilled artisans, drawing big wages. They are substantial citizens, valuable assets to the city.
The Pearsons were well equipped by previous experience for their work here. For years they had been engaged in the manufacture of beer bottles in Milwaukee, the greatest brewery center in the United States. There are a dozen or more breweries on Puget Sound and throughout the northwest, and until a year ago they had all been paying freight to bring bottles across the continent. Now they can get their bottles from the Anacortes Glass company, and many of them are doing so. The demand for the local product is growing rapidly and in the not far distant future bottle making probably will become one of Anacortes' leading industries.
Bottles can be made as cheaply here as they can in any eastern city, and the freight charges are greatly decreased, practically eliminated. The bottles produced by the Anacortes Glass company are up to the highest standard set by big eastern manufacturers. The plant is modern in every respect and at slight expense the output can be increased at any time by the employment of more men.
Having successfully established a new industry in Anacortes, the Pearsons are, naturally enough, held in high esteem in this city. They are enterprising manufacturers and spirited citizens. Messrs. N. Jerns and N. O. Haughey, of Bellingham are president and vice president, respectively of the Anacortes Glass Company, and to them all the credit is due for having made the addition of a new industry to Anacortes possible,