Publication: The Vancouver Daily World
Vancouver, BC, Canada
p. 7, col. 2-3
Crystal Glass Co.
Ready for Business
New Westminster Industries Reinforced by Important Undertaking
at Sapperton -- Factory Splendidly Equipped with
Up-to-Date Machinery
New Westminster, July 8. -- (Special) -- The fires will be lighted in the glass furnaces of the Crystal Glass Company in Sapperton about the middle of the week and glass will be produced towards the latter end of the month. This is the outcome of the months of labor which has been spent on the factory and machinery which has been installed under the supervision of Manager D. Lamont, who has had a great deal of experience in the factories of eastern Canada and the United States.
The factory will employ about one hundred men, over forty of whom are skilled workmen. Assisting these men will be forty boy helpers, while twenty men will be given the task of caring for the furnaces, which are of the most improved type obtainable. Many of the workmen for the factory have already arrived in the city with their wives and families and are settling down preparatory toward commencing work in the factory. A great many other are only awaiting the call of the management of the company to leave the east for New Westminster. Many of the men have built themselves homes in the district surrounding the factory, which is on the waterfront east of the Brunette mills in Sapperton, and intend settling in the country and working at their trade.
The factory in Sapperton is the only glass factory in British Columbia and will manufacture all grades of glass, from glass bottles to insulators. Special attention will be given to fruit jars and wide mouthed bottles and jars for the pickle and preserving trades. Prices will be sufficiently low to encourage the local factories to use the products of the new glass company, and it is expected that a large proportion of the product will be disposed of in this manner.
The drug trade will also be catered to for high class prescription bottles. Telephone and telegraph insulators are another division which has the special attention of the manager, and it is expected that all types of insulators from the small ones used for conveying the telephone wires to those used for the high power wires will be manufactured. One feature of these large insulators is that they have been made practically shot proof in that they have been specially ribbed to induce the rifle shots of boys to glance from the glass and not break the insulator. The value of this feature has commended itself to a great many of the managers of electrical power firms of the east, who are using them considerably.
One of the very latest improved continuous glass melting tanks, with one of the most complete furnaces on the coast attached to it, has been installed and will supply the glass for the modern glass pressing and blowing machinery which has been imported from Pittsburg, Pa. The plant as a whole is one of the most up-to-date ever manufactured in Pittsburgh and is complete in every particular.
The opening in the glass blowing department is one which should appeal to all boys of British Columbia. In this department they have the opportunity of learning the art of glass blowing, which is one of the most highly paid skilled trades of the present time. Already a number of boys have applied to the manager for positions, and it is likely that they will be offered positions within a short time.
Fires will be placed in the furnaces on Wednesday to dry out the different kilns. From that time on the fires will be continuous and the factory will be producing glass at the end of the month. A large quantity of raw material has been accumulated during the past few months and the large storehouse in connection with the factory is now nearly filled with silica sand, soda ash and other chemicals which are necessary for the making of glassware of all grades.
CAPITAL OF $150,000.
The Crystal Glass Co., Ltd., was incorporated with about a capital of $150,000, over half of which amount has been expended in making the preparations for the manufacture of glass. It is estimated that over $50,000 a year will be paid out in salaries, and will add greatly to the amount of money passing through New Westminster each year.