Crystal Glass Co. has ordered machinery


Publication: The Vancouver Daily World

Vancouver, BC, Canada
p. 7, col. 3



New Westminster, Nov. 15. -- (Special) -- Crystal Glass company, which has acquired the Automatic Can company's building, will be in operation about the middle of February. The necessary amount of capital, $60,000, has been subscribed and the manager, Mr. Le Monte, will go east today to secure the machinery. He was out at the factory yesterday and arranged for the alterations to be made at once. A meeting of the provisional directors was held in Vancouver on Monday and general matters were discussed. The resolutions passed will be submitted for approval to a meeting of the shareholders to be held in two weeks. At this meeting of the shareholders the permanent directors will also be elected. It is estimated that the factory will employ about sixty hands.

Keywords:Crystal Glass Company
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:June 13, 2019 by: Bob Stahr;