Publication: The Vancouver Daily World
Vancouver, BC, Canada
p. 7, col. 4
Condensed Milk Factor Sought
To Be Established, Safeguarded
From Competition
New Westminster, April 23 -- (Special) -- The city council last evening received a communication from the West Coast Manufacturing Agency, whihc is considering the erection of a condensed milk factory here, asking for protection from the competition inside the city limits should they establish a branch here. The letter intimated that they contemplated putting up a 600 case per day factory and that the city and territory could not profitably support two such industries they wished to secure an assurance of protection within the city limits before commencing operations. The matter was referred to the finance committee.
The Crystal Glass Works also appeared as an appellant, asking for consideration at the hands of the city. Their request was for a substantial reduction of their taxes for the year 1906. They pointed out that owing to the severe weather plans had not been able to be proceeded with as quickly as they would have liked, and also that difficulty had been experienced regarding transportation. Instances were quoted of abnormal delay caused by the severe weather interfering with transportation. This was referred to the finance committee with power to act.
The independent Shingle Mill company, which recently purchased the Fraser River Lumber company mill, etc., wrote stating that they wished to install an automatic sprinkler in the mill for fire protection purposes and requested the city to give them an improved water service and better civic fire protection. Referred to the fire and water committee report.
The finance committee reported that the application of the lease of water lots Nos. 15, 16, 17 and 18, at present held by Gilley Bros. be granted to the B. C. E. R. company. That a new lease be made to the B. C. E. R. for a term of 25 years from January 1, 1907, with privilege of further renewal.