Publication: The Daily Province
Vancouver, BC, Canada
vol. 16, p. 2, col. 7
F. J. Hart Does Good Business for
Westminster in East.
New Westminster, Aug. 31. -- Mr. F. J. Hart of F. J. Hart & Co., and manager of the Westminster Trust company, has returned from an extensive trip to the east, during which he transacted considerable important business affecting New Westminster. He also visited his old home in Newfoundland.
One important transaction of Mr. Hart's trip was arranging for the re-opening of the Crystal glass works in this city, which was sold through the agency of the Westminster Trust company to J. S. Coulton-Foulke. It is expected that the local plant will be operated under the supervision of a glass manufacturer of Pittsburg.
A chemical works will also likely be started in connection with the glass works by capitalists whom Mr. Hart has interested here.
Mr. Hart reports that he found New Westminster much better advertised throughout the east on the present trip than any time before, and the railway companies also give the name of this town much more prominence than formerly.