Publication: The Scranton Republican
Scranton, PA, United States
vol. 37, p. 8, col. 1
Ground was broken Saturday morning for the new insulator factory and the plan will be pushed to completion with all possible speed. The plant in New Jersey owned by the Harloe insulator company, and which has been operation they past year has become of insufficient capacity to supply the orders for insulators that this company has been receiving and the fact that many large orders have had to be canceled of late because it was impossible to fill them notwithstanding the Jersey plant is running night and day has compelled the company to get their new plant in operation at once. This will add another important industry to the many now in operation in our thriving village. The new building proper will be 40x130 feet. To this will be added several smaller buildings necessary to the handling, packing and shipping of the ware. The working capital of the company is $40,000 and the directors are: T. F. Wall, president; H. E. Ripp, vice-president; R. W. Murph, secretary; W. A. Gregg, treasurer; J. S. Welsh, W. S. Bloes, W. M. Hope. The building committee is T. F. Wall, H. E. Kipp, and R. W. Murphy. H. E. Kipp has been selected for general manager of the company.