Publication: The Scranton Republican
Scranton, PA, United States
vol. 37, p. 8, col. 4
The stockholders of the Harloe Insulator company met in Schadt's hall last Monday afternoon in their annual session and elected the following directors for the ensuing year: J. S. Welsh, W. A. Gregg, W. S. Bloes, T. F. Wall, R. W. Murphy, J. D. Peek, H. E. Kipp, W. M. Hope, A. K. Killam, H. W. Clark and P. J. Bower. The directors-elect met in Wall & Murphy's office in the evening and organized by electing T. F. Wall, president; J. D. Peck, vice-president; W. A. Gregg, secretary, and H. E. Kipp treasurer. Mr. Kipp was retained as manager and M. R. Harloe as inside foreman. The plant at present represents an expenditure of about $40,000 and is now in fine working order and running night and day to fill pressing orders and promises to be a good paying investment.