Publication: The Scranton Tribune
Scranton, PA, United States
p. 8, col. 1
New Hawley Corporation.
The Harloe Insulator company was organized last week at Hawley with a capitalization of $150,000. The incorporators are: J. S. Welsh, president; William Gregg, vice-president; Myron T. Snyder, treasurer; Marcus Tuttle, secretary, Morton Harloe, the inventor, general manager. Other stockholders were P. J. Bower, George S. Thompson, Hawley; Wilton S. Bloes and Geo. E. Shay, two influential and wealthy business men of Peckville.
The new company propose to manufacture Harloe's self-tying insulators and other glassware.
A practical and satisfactory test was made last Tuesday of the insulator on one of the telephone lines. After the wire had been drawn to nearly a breaking strain, it was cut and the line did not slip over one-sixteenth of an inch. This is considered by all who witnessed it a remarkable test.
This insulator is patented in Germany, France, Canada and Great Britain.
The corporation intend to erect a $25,000 plant just as soon as a building site is decided upon.