[Newspaper] Publication: The Baltimore Sun Baltimore, MD, United States |
George M. Sharp, Attorney at Law, No. 12 East Lexington street. RECEIVERS SALE OF GLASS MANUFACTURING PLANT, FORMERLY OPERATED BY THE BALTIMORE GLASS MANUFACTURING COMPANY, AT WESTPORT, BALTIMORE COUNTY, INCLUDING RAW MATERIAL, STOCK IN TRADE, CART, TRUCK, OFFICE FURNITURE, ETC., ETC., AND THE LEASEHOLD INTERESTS OF SAID COMPANY IN AND TO THE TWO LOTS AND THE IMPROVEMENTS THEREON, USED AND OCCUPIED BY SAID COMPANY IN OPERATING SAID PLANT, INCLUDING A SWITCH FROM B. AND O. R. R. AND A WHARF EXTENDING INTO NAVIGABLE WATER IN PATAPSCO RIVER. The undersigned, Receiver, pursuant to an order passed by the Circuit Court of Baltimore county, will sell by public auction on the aforesaid premises, namely, POPPLEIN AND CLARE STREETS, WESTPORT, ON WEDNESDAY, THE 21ST DAY OF JULY, 1897, AT 10 O'CLOCK A. M. ALL THE VALUABLE LEASEHOLD INTERESTS OF THE BALTIMORE GLASS MANUFACTURING COMPANY in and to the following two lots of ground and improvements: Beginning for the first thereof at the corner formed by the southeast side of Popplein street and the southwest side of Clare street: running thence southwesterly bounding on the southeast side of Popplein street 200 feet, thence southeasterly at right angles to Popplein street 190 feet, more or less, to the Middle Branch of the Patapsco river; running thence northeasterly on the Middle Branch of the Patapsco river 200 feet, more or less, to the southwest side of Clare street; thence northwesterly on the southwest side of Clare street to the place of beginning. Said lot is subject to redeemable ground rent of $400. And beginning for the second thereof at a point on the southernmost corner of Clare and Popplein streets, laid out on the plat of the South Baltimore Company, which point of beginning is at the northernmost corner of a lot of ground heretofore leased by the South Baltimore Company to the Union Glass Company, dated June 10, 1874, and recorded among the land records of Baltimore county in Liber J. B. No. 8, folio 19, etc., in which lease Clare street is called Clarke street; thence northwest across Popplein street as described in said plat not for dedication of a street, but merely for convenience of description, continuing northwest, bounding on the southwest side of Clare street 240 feet to the southeast side of Cloman street 200 feet; thence southeast parallel with Clare street 240 feet to the southeast side of Popplein street, as per said plat; thence northeast along the southeast side of Popplein street, and bounding on said lot of the Union Glass Company 200 feet to the place of beginning. Said lot is subject to a redeemable ground rent of $200. Rent on this lot has been paid in advance for five years from January 18, 1896. The improvements consist of a large Frame Factory and Packing House, with 90-foot Stack, and the following Frame Buildings: Gas House, Mould House, Sand House, Blacksmith Shop and Shed, Engine House and Box Shop, Barn with Ware Shed and Office with Shed. Wharf extending into navigable water in Patapsco river and a switch connecting with the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad. The plant consists of 30 H. P. Horizontal Engine, Double-Deck Boiler, Lathe, 325-Ton Continuous Melting Tank, 12 Ovens, 2 Lehrs, Fruit-Jar-Grinding Machine, 4 Gas Producers, Shaper, Drill Press, Sturdevant Fan, Emery Wheel, 2 Bench Vises, Shafting, Pulleys and Belting, 100 blowpipes, Blacksmith and Mechanic's Tools, 3 Saw Tables, Saws, Set Tools, Snaps, Insulator and Bottle Moulds, Oil Pump and Tank, Insulator Presses, 2 Elevators, Engine, etc., etc., etc. The above leasehold interests, Plant and Machinery will be first offered as an entirety, when, if no satisfactory bid is elicited, the right is reserved to sells said leasehold interest separately and the plant and machinery in lots, as per catalogue. And at the same time and place the FOLLOWING STOCK IN TRADE AND CHATTELS: 9 6-12 Gross Smith Pint Beers, 31 cases Simplex Fruit Jars, 17 cases 6x8 Battery Jars, lot Salt Hay, 100 tons Sand, lot Groud Clay, lot Box Lumber, lot Old Boxes and Wood, lot Cullet, Coal Dump, lot Stone and Plates, lot Chains and Factory Tolls, etc., etc. ALSO Office Fixtures and Furniture, 2 Roll-Front Desks, Standing Desk, Iron Safe, Combination Lock, 6 Chairs, 1 Letter-Press and Stand, 4 Rugs, 1 Stove, Railing and Partition. Terms of Sale: For the Chattels, cash; for the Leasehold Estate and Plant, if sold as an entirety, one-half cash, the balance in two equal installments, payable at 4 and 6 months from day of sale, deferred payments to bear interest and be secured to the satisfaction of the Receiver. A deposit of $500 required at sale. If the Leasehold Estate and Plant are sold in lots, terms cash. GEORGE M. SHARP, Receiver. MERRYMAN & PATTISON, Aucts. N. B. -- This establishment is said to be one of the best located and equipped Glass Manufacturing establishments in the United States, It is situated on navigable water and has a switch connecting with the Baltimore and Oho Railroad. It is fully equipped and can be started immediately. MERRYMAN & PATTISON, Auctioneers. |
Keywords: | Baltimore Glass Manufacturing Company : Battery Jars |
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Researcher: | Bob Stahr |
Date completed: | December 9, 2019 by: Bob Stahr; |