[Trade Journal] Publication: Glass Industry New York, NY, United States |
GLASSWORKING MACHINE. U. S. 1,642,658. Sept. 13, 1927. Minot K. Holmes, Muncie. Ind., assignor to Hemingray Glass Co. Filed 12/1/24. Particualrly [sic] Particularly designed for the production of internally threaded glass electric insulators. In a glass working machine utilizing a pressing pin to be extracted from the finished article, means for presenting a series of molds successively to successive stations, a press plunger, an extracting plunger, a transfer basket formed to receive a circumferential series of press pins, a transfer arm arranged to receive pins from the extracting plunger and deliver the same to the transfer basket, a transfer arm arranged to receive pins from the transfer basket and deliver the same to the press plunger.