A. L. Dyke opens a tobacco and stationary store on Howard street


Publication: The Summit County Beacon

Akron, OH, United States
p. 3, col. 2



As a sure evidence of the fact that business generally is picking up and that better times in business circles are really at hand, it is stated that to day all the store rooms on the east side of Howard street are occupied or rented, three being taken within the last few days. The store room heretofore occupied by Aubie, Brown & Co., has been rented for a wholesale tea and coffee house, that on the south side of Barnes & Perkins will be filled with Monday by A. L. Dyke, a news contractor of the A. & G. W. Railroad, with cigars, stationary, &c., and the one lately vacated by Brouse & Wall will soon be taken possession of by a Fort Wayne, Ind., boot and shoe house. All of which shows that Akron is a healthy place for enterprises of any sort and that business men recognize the fact.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Elton Gish
Date completed:October 7, 2023 by: Elton Gish;