California Glass Works plans more improvements


Publication: The Long Beach Daily Telegram

Long Beach, CA, United States
vol. 19, no. 113, p. 4, col. 4-5



Plant is Overloaded with Orders and New

Furnaces Will be Installed

With orders pouring in from every part of the United States for products far beyond the capacity of the plant, the new management of the California Glass Works is planning improvements of an extensive and permanent nature.

President Farmer and Manager Orcutt of the reorganized concern this morning disclosed the ambitious plans of the company made necessary through increased demand for glassware to the directors of the Chamber of Commerce in regular weekly ses­sion.

Under plans now contemplated, new large furnaces will be installed nearly trebling the present capacity of the plant and enabling the manufacturing of amber bottles and goods of a simi­lar nature.

At the present time the plant is working night and day and has a pay­roll of $600 weekly, the capacity work enabling the completion of from 12,000 to 20,000 insulators in the full day.

Basing their proposed increase on prospective business, the officials of the company point out that the plant has been running only since April 16 and is already overloaded with orders.

According to the statements to the chamber directors, three large contracts which could be secured with the installation of the new apparatus would mean capacity business for the plant during the next year. They are fifty-two carloads of glass cans for the Beech Nut Packing company, a carload to be shipped weekly for a year; a 3,000,000 annual insulator contract with a San Francisco firm and the possibil­ity of furnishing many carloads of am­ber ware to Southern California brewers and bottlers.

President Farmer asked for the co­operation and moral support of the directors, urging that the new com­pany be made strictly a Long Beach corporation. Under the enlargement project, he stated, the company would have a weekly payroll of nearly $1500, or $78,000 annually.

He issued an invitation to the direc­tors to visit the plant, and stated a general invitation to the public at large to inspect the manufactory some evening when the fire glow of the fur­nace reddens the night sky, adding a touch of beauty to industrialism, would soon be issued.

Bad places in the road in front of the plant, to which the officials re­ferred, were submitted to the roads committee for conference with the works board looking to an immediate repair.

Mr. Farmer, a Canadian capitalist, has moved to Long Beach to assume his duties as president of the corpora­tion.

Keywords:California Glass Insulator Company : California Glass Works
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:March 23, 2024 by: Bob Stahr;