[Trade Journal]
Publication: National Bottlers Gazette
New York, NY, United States
vol. 49, no. 585, p. 62, col. 2
The Following Gentlemen Connected With the Bottling
Trade Called at This Office During the Past Month
When in New York Make the N. B. G. Office Your Headquarters
Mr. R. V. Stocks, of the Brandimist Co., Atlanta, Ga.
Mr. J. Hendrik Hutten, chemical engineer, Arlington, N.J.
Mr. R. W. Knipp, Advertising and Sales Specialist, New York City.
Mr. Joseph J. Haesler, vice president, Metal & Ore Corp., New York City.
Mr. M. Schuerenberg, Main Agent, Mineral Salt Import Co., New York City.
Mr. Frank White, of Howarth Bros., brewers of Ginger Beer, Birmingham, England.
Mr. Charles A. Meyerowich, President, Imperial Beverage Corp., general bottlers, Staten Island, N. Y.
Mr. Charles Schnirring, eastern representative, Hemingray Glass Co., bottle manufacturers, Muncie, Ind.
Mr. Harry Marsh, Sales Manager, Hygeia Filter Co., manufacturers of agitating filters, Detroit, Mich.
Mr. A. Perlman, with the Majestic Siphon Supply Co., manufacturers of siphons and siphon parts, Brooklyn, N. Y.
Mr. Otto J. Koscherak, Seal-Again Bottle Stopper Co., manufacturers of "Seal-Again" bottle stoppers, New York City.