Chicago, Lake Shore and South Bend Railway to be built

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Street Railway Journal

New York, NY, United States
vol. 28, no. 25, p. 1163, col. 2



The Chicago, Lake Shore & South Bend Railway will be built over private right of way outside of cities and towns, and through all of the latter has ordinances by which it will be in control of its trackage from one end to the other. The road connects at Kensington, within the city of Chicago, with the Illinois Central Railroad, with which it has a traffic contract. The overhead work will be constructed with center poles, creosoted and set in concrete, with single catenary construction. The power house will be located at Michigan City, Indiana, on the river, and be constructed of cement blocks. It is probable, also, that the shops and car house will be located at Michigan City. At present the company has all of its franchises, and about 85 per cent of its entire right of way purchased. Contracts have been made for grading between South Bend and 12 miles west of Michigan City; also between Gary, Ind., and Indiana Harbor. The work of grading will be pushed all winter and the road completed in twelve months from date. A private right of way 66 ft. wide has been granted through the new steel town at Gary, The company has 10½ miles of 70-lb. steel rail on the ground ready to be laid, and expected to have an engine and seven cars start track-laying on Dec. 17. All of the steel has been contracted for, deliveries beginning in January and finishing in May. Nothing but standard ties will be used in the construction. The road, which will be operated by the single-phase system, runs from its connection with the Illinois Central, at Kensington Station, in the city of Chicago, through Hammond, Indiana Harbor, East Chicago, Gary, Michigan City, New Carlisle to South Bend, Ind., a distance of about 80 miles. The officers of the company are: J. B. Hanna, Cleveland, president; M. H. Wilson, Cleveland, secretary and treasurer; Edwin Hanna, South Bend, Ind., superintendent; John W. S. Reigle, South Bend, Ind., chief engineer Cleveland Construction Company, Cleveland, Ohio., engineer power station.


Keywords:Chicago, Lake Shore and South Bend Railway : Interurban Railway
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:May 20, 2024 by: Bob Stahr;