Publication: Tri-Weekly Constitutionalist
Augusta, GA, United States
vol. 22, no. 115, p. 4, col. 6
GEN. GARY AND R. B. BULLOCK, Esq., AND THE KAOLIN FACTORY — AND TEA SETS — AND GRACEFUL AMENITIES. — Of all these nice persons and things are we going to speak. Everybody knows who Gen. Gary is. But who is Mr. Bullock? He is the enterprising and gentlemanly President of the company now engaged in the manufacture of Kaolin ware, here in our own district. Kaolin is the geological name of the species of earth or clay out of which this porcelain is made. Hence the name of the ware. The Secretary of this company is J. E. Marshall, Esq. The general superintendent is G. Schaub, Esq. All these gentlemen are of Augusta. The Factory is in a very flourishing condition. The enterprise of the company knows neither slumber or sleep.
Mr. Bullock, desiring to pay a compliment to a man who has done much and suffered much, has sent General M. W. Gary a present of a beautiful tea set. We have the honor of being allowed to infest General Gary's office. There we espied the box containing the tea set; dived into it; hauled forth and spread out its contents, and went into ecstasies over the beautiful ware and over the graceful compliment. — The ware is durable in quality and very elegant in tint and beauty of finish. The Kaolin Factory is an honor to Edgefield District. Is worthy a visit from all fond of the marvelous and instructive. We answer for it, that Mister Schaub will treat all visitors with urbanity, and give them every information necessary to enable them to enjoy and appreciate their visit.
And don't forget — we speak now exclusively to ladies — that the honored and gallant Gen. Gary — who is a bachelor — but anxious, perhaps, to enjoy the bliss of housekeeping — is the possessor of a beautiful Kaolin tea-set. Minus, though, a butter dish. The butter dish he has given (all brave men are free-handed) to a friend. The friend, however, regards it only as a loan. So soon as the general gains and Eve to bless his earthly Paradise, the butter dish shall certainly be restored. Edgefield Advertiser.