Publication: Latrobe Bulletin
Latrobe, PA, United States
vol. 7, no. 110, p. 1, col. 3-4
Derry Insulator Company
Lands A Fine Big Order
Busy times are in store for the plant of the Pittsburg High Voltage Insulator Company, located at Derry; the company having succeeded in landing an order which will keep the plant going to its capacity, for some time to come, and which will ensure steady work for all of the employees.
The order, it is understood, calls for the placing of 50,000 worth of large size insulators in Seattle, Washington. It was secured after the other manufacturers of insulators, going to show the superior quality of the Derry product.
The insulators will be larger than any heretofore turned out at the Derry plant, and the machinery for their construction and testing is now being placed. Shipment will be by the carload.
The residents of Derry are quite sanguine as to the future of the company which now occupies the pottery, and the news of the receipt of this big order, in competition with other insulator companies, will tend to increase this spirit of confidence, not only in the product itself but in the management.