Publication: Latrobe Bulletin
Latrobe, PA, United States
vol. 7, no. 192, p. 1, col. 2-5
Co. Will Make 2,500,000 Insulators For Postal Telegraph
C. M. Semler, of East Weldon street, general manager of the Pittsburg High Voltage Insulator Company, has returned home from Boston, Mass., bringing with him the largest order yet booked by his company. The order was secured by Mr. Semler from Mr. Francis, the general purchasing agent for the Postal Telegraph Company, and consists of 2,500,000 insulators. The company will start to work, at once, on the filling of the order. The order, from a company like the Postal, is regarded as being a big thing for the insulator company, justifying as it does, the confidence of the stock holders in the worth of the insulator being manufactured, in the former Pottery plant at Derry.