Publication: Latrobe Bulletin
Latrobe, PA, United States
vol. 8, no. 245, p. 1, col. 4-6
Predicts That Derry Plant Will Grow into an
Immense Industry within Next Few Years,
Derry, Oct. 5.---Mr. and Mrs. F. L. Leightner, of Newark, N. J., are spending a few days as the guests of Dr. and Mrs. W. B. Cosgrove. Mr. Leightner is in the employ of the Edison Light and Power Company, of Brooklyn, N. Y. During his stay in Derry he has made an exhaustive examination of the plant of the Pittsburg High Voltage Insulator Company, and its products for use in high tension and voltage electrical work. Mr. Leightner witnessed a test of the porcelain insulators manufactured by the local plant, in which but a very few out of hundreds tested were found to fall short of the exacting standard set by those purchasing the insulators. That Derry has an industry which is only in its infancy, and which will ultimately mean much to the town, is the opinion of Mr. Leightner, whose training in electrical work renders him very competent to pass on the standing of the local industry. On account of the inefficiency of glass insulators in high voltage electrical work, Mr. Leightner believes that in such work the porcelain insulator which is manufactured by the local plant, will almost entirely displace the old style glass insulator, with a consequent increase in the business done by the local industry, which has already made great strides since its inception only a short time ago.