Incorporation of the Renault Insulator and Electrical Mfg. Co.

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Electricity

New York, NY, United States
vol. 21, no. 25, p. 366, col. 3





Aiken, S. C.—The Secretary of State has issued a commission to a new enterprise to be known as the Renault Insulator & Electrical Manufacturing Company, the principal place of business of which will be some point in Aiken County. The incorporators are Edward Renault, of Waldo, Fla., Charles Warren Davis, John O. Wicker and George Nees, of Augusta, Ga. The capital stock is to be $25,000. The company proposes to manufacture electrical insulators from porcelain, mica clay, etc., and mine, wash and crush different kinds of clays.


Keywords:Renault Insulator and Electrical Manufacturing Company : CD 207
Researcher notes:Patent 664,432 appears to be CD 207, but the article indicates the company intended to make the insulator from clay. Apparently the business was not a success. On April 23, 1907, he was granted patent No. 851,376 for an apparatus to extract water hyacinth from navigable waters.
Supplemental information: Patents: 664,432; 583,692
Researcher:Elton Gish
Date completed:January 4, 2025 by: Elton Gish;