New Glass Molding Machine; S. Kribs design for Combination Safety mold

[Trade Journal]

Publication: China, Glass & Lamps

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 23, no. 7, p. 15, col. 2


S. Kribs of New York has invented a new glass molding machine. A leading feature of this machine is the construction, which enables a double insulator to be formed, that is, an insulator carrying two wires so formed that a re-entrant cavity lies between the two wires, to prevent short circuiting the wires from sleet or rain. Another feature lies in the handling of a core used to mold threads on the interior of the insulator in such a manner as to prevent stripping the threads. An additional advantage lies in the arrangement of a plurality of molds and an equal number of plungers so that they all work successfully, giving time to cool the parts.


Keywords:Kribs : CD 139
Researcher notes:The Combination Safety is CD 139.
Supplemental information: Patent: 801,461
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:August 10, 2007 by: Elton Gish;