Telegraph Poles to Grossalmerode; Poles Made of Glass

[Trade Journal]

Publication: National Glass Budget

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 23, no. 20, p. 8, col. 1

Telegraph Poles at Grossalmerode.

For centuries past Grossalmerode, that wonderful city in the Province of Hesse Nassau, in Germany, has been famed for its marvelous silicious sands and that celebrated German glass house clay, which, although mined before the discovery of America more than four hundred years ago, stands up to this date without an equal, and it may be safely doubted whether any better will ever be taken from the treasure vaults of nature than that which for more than half a century past has been put on the American market by J. Goebel & Co., the well-known importers of 129 Maiden Lane, New York City. At the present time the eyes of the glass trade are turned towards Grossalmerode, the attraction being a factory which has just been erected for the purpose of manufacturing telegraph poles, the efficiency of which is soon to be demonstrated by the Imperial Post Department which has control of all of the telegraph and telephone lines in Germany, an order having already been placed for the equipping of one of its tracks with glass poles, the strength of which is added to by interlacing and intertwining them with strong wire threads. The selling price of these poles has not as yet been fixed, but, according to a recent consul report, that manufacturing company figures that it will be able to market its output at a cost of about $6.00 for a pole 23 feet in length.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:February 18, 2008 by: David Wiecek;