Publication: The Covington Journal
Covington, KY, United States
vol. XIV, no. 13, p. 3, col. 4
AN Ordinance requiring Front Street or River Road to be repaired from Western Row street westwardly to the corporation line of Covington.
SEC 1. Be it ordained by the City Council of Covington, That Front street or the River Road, from Western Row street westwardly to the corporation line, be and it is hereby ordered to be repaired at the expense of the owners of property fronting on said part of said street, in such places and in such manner as the Committee on Internal Improvements may direct.
SEC. 2. Be it further ordained, That the Com. on Int. Imps. be and is hereby instructed to advertise for proposals for said work.
Passed Oct. 3, 1861.
Attest: WM. ERNST, Prest.
JOHN R. RICKE, City Clerk.