Carroll and Llewellyn Hemingray

Members of Young Women's Auxiliary of Free Kindergarten Association


Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald

Muncie, IN, United States


Will be Worn at an Unique Ball to be

Given Soon.


The members of the Young Women's Auxiliary to the Free Kindergarten Association are making arrangements for a calico ball to be given either the latter part of next week or the first of the following week. The young women gave a euchre party in Franklin hall a few weeks ago from which a neat sum was realized. They are putting forth every effort to make the ball one of the most successful ventures yet given for the benefit of the association. The members of the auxiliary, all of whom are greatly interested in the coming benefit are: Misses Agnes Howe, Mayme Johnson, Huda Smith, Emily Olcott, Llewellyn Hemingray, Mildred Westlake, Clara Gill, Sarah Kirby, Maude Brownell, Carroll Hemingray, Jeanette Gass, Florence Ream, Louise Phinney, Ada Cammack, Grace Guthrie, Mary Willard, Lottie Shaw, Lillian Snyder, Allie Snell, Kathleen Fay, Frances James, Bessie Shepp, Harriet Johnson, Reba Richey, and Reba Koons.

Keywords:Hemingray Family
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:August 15, 2006 by: Glenn Drummond;