Carroll and Llewellyn Hemingray

Participate in Card Party to Benefit Free Kindergarten Association


Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald

Muncie, IN, United States


Many Social Leaders are Playing

Euchre this Afternoon.


The elite of Muncie society was out this afternoon, the occasion being a euchre under the auspices of the Young Women's Auxiliary to the Free Kindergarten Association. The affair was one of the most pleasing and enjoyable of the season's social affairs. The young women of the auxiliary received the guests and presided over the euchre tables. Huge bouquets of chrysanthemums and roses were used in decorating. The euchre was a most spirited one, each guest trying her best hand to capture one of the valuable prizes, all of which were donated to the young women. At the close of the euchre contest an elegant luncheon was served. The euchre was a pleasing success, a neat sum being cleared by the young women which will go to the fund of the Free Kindergarten Association. The euchre was held in the Zuber Manning academy and the hours were from 2 till 5 o'clock. The members of the auxiliary are Mesdames Raymond Munshower, Earl Clements, Charles Grafton, and Charles Moore; Misses Agnes Howe, Grace Guthrie, Lilly Snyder, Mayme Johnson, Francis James, Myrtle Snyder, Carroll Hemingray, Mary Willard, Louise Phinney, Mary Myers, Llewellyn Hemingray, Florence Ream, Pearl Johnson, Sarah Kirby, Emily Olcott, Kathleen Fay, Reba Richey, Huda Smith, Reba Koons, Maud Brownell, Allie Snell, Bessie Shepp, Lottie Shaw, and Harriett Johnson.



Keywords:Hemingray Family
Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:August 25, 2006 by: Glenn Drummond;