[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 25, no. 10, p. 1,4, col. 4,1
Strike Situation at Morgantown, W. Va — Non-Union Men Join Strikers — Matters Taking Definite Shape as Regards New Factory. May Not be in Operation Until Summer. Joint Committee Meets in Pittsburg Next Week — Many Trade Disputes to Settle. English Workers Still Held at Ellis Island, But will Eventually be Deported.
There have been no developments of especial interest in the flint glass world during the past week, and consequently matters at the national headquarters in the Bissell block have been moving along in a routine matter. The paramount question (that of the protest on removal of headquarters) is now being voted on by the members of the A. F. G. W. U., and the returns will not be in until next Saturday.
The strike situation at Morgantown, W. Va., is viewed optimistically by the officers of the organization, and the outlook is indeed bright from the workers' standpoint, as all the non-union workers brought in by the companies have been corralled by the members of the American Flint Glass Workers' Union now on the ground. Three Swedes secured by one of the companies last week were induced to join the forces of the striking workers. There has been practically no change in the general situation for some time, there being no deserters from the union ranks, and the men seem to be a unit in the thought that the strike will be surely won.
In regard to the new factory to be built at Columbus, O., by the association, matters are shaping themselves rapidly and are in the hands of John F. Tobin, who is making strenuous endeavors to get things on a working basis and get work started on the plant as soon as possible. It is not thought now that the factory will be in operation before next summer, as there are many details to be arranged before the actual work of building can be started.
The joint committee of the organization will hold a meeting in the Stevenson building this city, next Wednesday, Dec. 16, to settle a number of minor trade disputes that have arisen at the plants of the Fostoria Glass Co., Moundsville, W. Va., the Chicago Flint & Lime Glass Co., Chesterton, Ind., Gill & Co., and Gillinder & Sons, Philadelphia. The insulator conference will be held at Muncie, Ind., Friday, Dec. 18. This meeting is for the purpose of settling the wage scale for this department for the year 1904. The scale in this branch is agreed to run from Jan. 1 each year until the beginning of the following year. The Hemingray Glass Co., of Muncie, produces a great quantity of insulators, and they will probably be the only company to meet the representatives of the association.
President T. W. Rowe returned to this city Tuesday morning from Washington, D. C., where he had gone Monday in answer to a telegram from Frank P. Sargent, commissioner general of immigration. Commissioner Sargent had been requested by the attorney of George B. Cortelyou, head of the department of commerce and labor, to have President Rowe meet him and give some additional information in the case of the English workers who had been brought to this country by the Steuben Glass Co., of Corning, N. Y., in violation of the alien contract labor law. The attorney desired some technical points in regard to the manufacturing of certain articles explained, and Mr. Rowe was able to make the matter perfectly clear. It will be remembered that these men were imported to work in a non-union plant, the company claiming that the ware could not be made by the workmen in this country.
In order to show the absurdity of this claim President Rowe secured samples from an Ohio factory that were exact duplicates of the articles in question, and the men are now being held at Ellis Island pending the decision in their case. They have been detained there for some time now, but in all probability the case will be settled within the next week or ten days, as the report and recommendation of Commissioner Sargent are now in Mr. Cortelyou's hands. The point now to be settled is whether or not the men to do this work can be furnished by the A. F. G. W. U., and President Rowe says there is no question of their ability to supply all the men necessary if the company but give them the opportunity.