[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 25, no. 14, p. 1,4, col. 4,1
Covington Meeting Results in the Workers Propositions Being Rejected Movement of Flint Officials Wilson-McCuIlough's New Plant at Coffeyviile, Kan., Will be Under Jurisdiction of the A. F. G. W. U. No New Developments at Morgantown Very Few Off-Hand Chimney Factories Now in Operation Monongahela House Glass Exhibit Now in Full Swing.
The insulator conference held at Covington, Ky., resulted in no changes being made, manufacturers were represented by Messrs. Ralph and D. Hemingray, of Muncie, Ind., and Messrs. Sullivan and Shinkle. The workers' representatives were President T. W. Rowe, Vice President Croke and Jas. Burke and colleague of Muncie.
The session lasted several hours and considerable time was taken up in discussing three propositions submitted by the workers. These were finally rejected by the manufacturers which leaves affairs in about the same shape as they were previous to the conference.
President Rowe is in the west this week on business pertaining to the affairs of the association and will hardly return before next Monday. Executive Officers Joyce, of Muncie, Ind., and John W. Halpin, of Rochester, Pa., were in Washington, Pa., this week attending to important trade matters.
The new factory which will be placed in operation at Coffeyville, Kas., by Wilson & McCullough, of Marion, Ind., will be worked under the jurisdiction of the American Flint Glass Workers Union, the officials of that organization having furnished a complete crew to man the plant. The works will be started next week and the new local will likely be organized witliin the next ten days. The seal of old L. U. 77 will likely be sent by the officials.
The strike situation at Morgantown, remains practically unchanged, but it is intimated that the Seneca Glass. Co. will lose many of their shops in the near future, as Bryce Bros., at Mt. Pleasant, Pa., are said to be getting ready to make glass. Many of the Seneca's present blowers are from that place and will doubtless leave to occupy their old places. There have been no desertions from the ranks of the strikers since the lockout began, and they are making a determined effort to win.
Very few factories are being operated in the off-hand, chimney department at the present time. Among the few now working are the Salem, W. Va., Kauffeld, Matthews. Ind., La Bastie, Ottawa, Ill, and Gill & Co.'s plant at Steubenville, O. This branch of the trade appears to be in a pretty badly demoralized condition. It is to be hoped that the reaction will soon be in evidence.
The Annual Sample Display.
Nearly all who have engaged quarters at the Monongahela House have arrived and now have their new lines on exhibition. Many beatities are contained in this season's offerings and the buyer who cannot have his wants supplied is mighty hard to please. The new goods cover everything from novelties to substantial lines of tableware and are a credit to the exhibitors. Buyers are evincing great interest in the display and a number of good orders have already been booked.
The exhibit will doubtless be complete in every detail by the end of the week and all the representatives anticipate showing good results at the wind-up. Buyers are arriving every day and next week, it is thought, will be the banner week of the exhibit. The displays are arranged in a very tasteful and attractive manner and a number of new ideas in the way of arrangements have been introduced. Following is a complete list of exhibitors at the Monongahela, together with the headquarters of each concern and the name of the representative who has the display in charge:
First Floor.
Room No. 2Jefferson Glass Co., Steubenville, O. Geo. Mortimer.
Rooms 7-8 A. H. Heisey & Co., Newark, O. E. J. Cassel.
Room 12 Krantz, Smith & Co., Honesdale, Pa.; Rochester Cut Glass Co., Rochester, Pa. J. H. Johonot.
Second Floor.
Rooms 16-17 Fostoria Glass Co., Moundsville, W. Va. S. T. Lawrence.
Rooms 19-22 H. Northwood & Co., Wheeling, W. Va. Carl Northwood.
Room 23 Duncan & Miller Glass Co., Washington, Pa. Walter B. Lindsay.
Rooms 38-39 Bastow Glass Co., Coudersport. Pa. Geo. A. Malone and Jos. Bastow.
Rooms 43-44 Gillinder & Sons. Inc., Philadelphia, Pa. Chas. L. Kerr.
Room 54 Eagle Glass & Mfg. Co., Wellsburg W. Va. S. O. Paull.
Third Floor.
Room 79 Kokomo, Ind., Glass Mfg. Co. Jule Braun.
Room 74 Economy Tumbler Co., Morgantown. W. Va. Geo. W. Fry.
Room 95 Seneca Glass Co., Morgantown, W. Va.; Corning Glass Co., Corning, N. Y. R. B. Reineck.
Rooms 94-96 Dugan Glass Co., Indiana, Pa. W. G. Minnemeyer.
Room 103 U. S. Glass Co., Pittsburg. A. Frohme.
Rooms 109-110 New Martinsville, W. Va., Glass Co. David Fisher.
Room 117 Central Glass Works, Wheeling, W. Va. W. H. Cassell.
Fourth Floor.
Macbeth-Evans Glass Co., Pittsburg. Enoch J. Adams.
Rooms 139-140 Tarentum, Pa., Glass Co. Jos. A. Harris.
Rooms 152-154-155 Westmoreland Specialty Co., Grapeville, Pa. S. Q. Hamilton.
Room 131 Chicago Flint & Lime Glass Co., Chesterton. Ind. M. J. Adams.
Room 167 Co-operative Glass Co., Ltd., Beaver Falls, Pa. Jas. W, Blaney.
Room 175 H. C. Fry Glass Co., Rochester, Pa. A. I. Duval.