[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 25, no. 14, p. 6, col. 2-4
From Indiana's Gas Belt.
By Chas. C. Mayer.
C. Arduser & Co. manufacture bottle and press molds, presses and cracking-off machines that are guaranteed to be the fastest and best ware savers in the market. They claim to be the only manufacturers of this machine and have them in operation at the Fostoria, O., Bulb and Bottle Works and also at Murray & Co.'s, Philadelphia. They also make machines to grind electric and inner arc globes. The plant is well equipped and complete in every detail. The proprietor has had 30 years experience in the business. Albert Arduser attends to the office work, Joseph Arduser is foreman of the works and George is serving his apprenticeship. Chas. Arduser is with the Hemingray Glass Co., of Muncie. A. B. Beckett is one of the mold shop force.
Eighteen of the white liners at Wilson & McCulloch's, Marion, have left for Coffeyville, Kan., where the company have nine liner machines electrically equipped and ready for operation. Marion electricians did the work. Mat Aiken is one of the Marion men who has gone to Kansas. His father, Thos. Aiken, will have charge of the Marion white liner department, which will now give employment to some of the idle people in that branch of the trade. Ed Kelly will have charge of the Kansas white liner establishement.
The Diamond Window Glass Works at Gas City was scheduled to start last week, but a full crew could not be obtained, owing to the refusal on the part of the company to pay more than market money, and this was made with the stipulation that the required quantity of boxes must be made. Many who applied there refused to go to work for the above reasons, according to reports received in Marion.
A Marion window maker who has worked at the Wilkinson plant since early in September stated that the men at that place will absolutely refuse to allow 25 per cent of their wages deducted for the relief of the unemployed and needy window workers. It is also rumored that the men at the Palmer plant, Shinglehouse, Pa., are against the measure.
Chas. Heinrich is turning them out at the Cicero bottle works. Others at that plant are H. F. Shuster, of Gas City; Carl Rittmer, of Cincinnatti; H. C. Tatterstall, who has a nice farm down at Kokomo; L. W. Russel, of Bridgeton; Edwd. L. Day, who is an old Pittsburger; Jonathan Scott, Gas City; Fritz Gerber, Milwaukee; Louis Edelman, Muncie; C. Hentzey, who worked at Terre Haute last year; Fred Coss, Loogootee; R. E. Mickel, A. B. Koebert, Harry F. Mickel, Dan Kline, John Hentzey, Wren Lewis, Walter Woolbert, John Wells, and Thos. Moore, who is from Milwaukee; Conrad Muntz, of Noblesville; Jas. McFadden, Jos. H. McQuigg, Phil Perard, Herman Wahl, Clinton Porch, John Leidner, Walter Barnes, Harry M. Griner and Fred Hignitt, who comes from Gas City; Clem S. Fisher, from Columbia, S. C.; Herbert Whitaker and E. Hymer.
Oscar Clauson is making gallons and five-pint ware on the amber tank. Mr. Clauson was lived at Cicero for ten years and owns property there. P. F. Marshall is one of the genial Jerseyites from Williamstown. He is working on the flint tank. J. C. Martz has charge of the mixing department. Harry Jensen is one of the progressive young blacksmiths.