[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 25, no. 17, p. 5, col. 2-3
Furnace Down at Hemingray's — Ball Bros.
Will Build Factory at Independence, Kan.
Muncie, Ind., Jan. 27. — The Muncie and Ball Bros. factories are working steadily, as is also the insulator department at the Hemingray plant. The furnace at the latter works has been out for some time owing to lack of orders.
Messrs. Ball Bros. have returned from Independence, Kan., where they have been looking up a location for a branch factory. They report conditions very favorable and expect to begin the erection of buildings under the supervision of Wm. Ball as soon as the weather opens up in the early spring.
In one of the finest mansions of eastern Indiana, surrounded by all the care, attention and even luxuries that money can buy, passed away the soul of Frederick Over, one of the best known of the old time Ohio Valley finishers. Mr. Over came to Muncie from Bellaire, O., about five years ago and has since been employed as watchman at the American Window Glass Co.'s plant here. A few weeks ago his brother, Henry W., went to Florida to spend the winter, leaving Frederick in charge of the elegant home in which he died. Mr. Over contracted pneumonia to which he succumbed in less than a week. The funeral was delayed for several days awaiting the arrival of relatives from Florida. Internment was made in Beech Grove cemetery.
A very beautiful wedding in which the contracting parties were Thomas Hogan, a popular window glass flattener, of Clyde, N. Y., and Miss Lizzie O'Mara, one of Muncie's most attractive young ladies, took place Thursday morning at St. Lawrence's church. The sacred edifice was well filled with friends of the happy couple, who had assembled to witness Rev. Father Schmidt perform the beautiful marriage ceremony. The Bride's sister, Miss Vina, and M. J.Clarke, were the attendants. The happy couple left in the evening for a trip through the east, after which they will reside at Findlay, O., where Mr. Hogan has a good place with the Globe Window Glass Co. They carry with them the best wishes of a host of friends who hope that they hay [sic] have many years of bliss on the sea of matrimony.
We understand that a certain machine jar and bottle company of Indiana are looking for a location in West Virginia. They will probably locate in a town not far from Wheeling.
Harlow D. Fisher, the well known young member of the G. B. B. A., who was murderously assaulted one night last week, may live, although he will never be able to see or speak. About a spoonful of brains oozed from the wound over the left temple and the attending physicians had pronounced his case hopeless.
John J. Mocklar, of the G. B. B. A., is making an eastern trip trying to secure men for the machine department of his organization. — Kalces.