[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 25, no. 23, p. 5, col. 2
Conditions at Ball Bros., Hemingray and
Chas. Boldt Plants as Found by Our
Capable Local Correspondent.
Muncie, Ind., March 10. — The glass business has been very good in Muncie this season despite the stagnant conditions reported from other parts of the country. The plant of the Chas. Boldt Glass Co., in this city is doing well, as is also the Hemingray factory. The furnace at the latter named plant is being operated steadily after a shutdown of several weeks.
Ball Bros. have transacted an immense amount of business thus far this year — having shipped 30 to 40 carloads of jars daily to all parts of the country. This firm was very unfortunate in having both tanks in the green department burst at a time when their product was needed the most. However, one tank has been repaired and is working steadily and a force of of tank builders has been working night and day to put the other in working condition.
President T. W. Rowe and Assistant Secretary Clark were in the city for a few hours last Sunday, and addressed a joint meeting of Local Unions 2 ands 23. The speakers, in telling of the condition of the trade, particularly the machine jar and bottle department, brought out many good points, and were vociferously applauded. Accompanied be Executive Officer Martin Joyce, they left in the evening for Detroit to attend the conference, mention of which was made in the last issue of the Commoner and Glassworker.
Mr. Joyce recently returned from a tour of the machine jar and bottle factories of this country and Canada, and reports everything in a flourishing condition and was agreeably surprised at the wonderful progress made by this branch of the trade.
David Scott, manager of the Ball Bros. factory No. 2, who was recently married to Miss Margaret Shea, has fitted up a nice home on East Main street, where the couple now reside. Their numerous friends wish them many years of blissful contentment.
Wess Werling, who also lately became a benedict, was in the city on business the early part of this week. — Kaleer.