Publication: The Muncie Evening Press
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. XXX, no. 278, p. 1
Mayor to Supplant McAbee With
Candy Manufacturer But Will
Await Former's Return.
Mayor John C. Quick, Wednesday, definitely confirmed the appointment of E. E. Rosenthal, local candy manufacturer, as a member of the board of public safety to succeed Philip McAbee, formerly president of the board, who was discharged Saturday afternoon by the mayor at a special meeting of the board. Due to the absence of Mr. McAbee from the city, however, Mr. Rosenthal will not take his seat as a member of the board until the return of the former commissioner, who, according to Mayor Quick, will be granted a public hearing if the ousted commissioner desires.
"The public hearing," said Mayor Quick, Wednesday, will be before me and I shall act as judge. There will be no appeal from my decision." It has been understood, but not authoritatively, that Mr. McAbee may institute mandamus proceedings in an effort to retain his seat.
Others Will Remain.
The mayor denied Wednesday that he had any immediate intention of appointing an entirely new board. He declared that the present board had given satisfaction with one exception and that as the one situation had been remedied, he saw no reason for making other changes.
Mayor Quick at the time that he demanded Mr. McAbee's resignation said that he adopted this plan of action as a mere matter of justice toward John Moles, night captain of police, who, the mayor says, is the victim of an attempted plot "by an organization which is attempting to stir up strife in the police department."
Receives Anonymous Letters.
The mayor Wednesday morning presented to Press reporters several anonymous letters which had been sent to him, as further evidence of the alleged plot for the dismissal of Captain Moles and for the stirring up of a quarrel in the police department. In one of these letters the mayor was threatened with an "indignation meeting of citizens in which the entire city administration would be forced to resign." The letter further accused the mayor of having violated a certain "oath which he had taken, without a cause," and said that "a well known local organization is in possession of the facts regarding this alleged violation."
"If you will not listen to several of the noted law violators whom you have talked with, you will not get into any more trouble," continued the letter. The message closed with an appeal to the mayor to "think of the oath which you took to stand by your brothers in all things," and bore the signature of "One Who Knows What He Is Talking About."
Says Writers Are Cowards.
In referring to this anonymous letter and to others which have been received by him in the past, the mayor declared that "there is seldom a day which does not bring two or three messages of this kind to me. They have no effect on me, for it is only a group of cowards which would perpetrate such an action. I shall do my duty as I see it, in spite of any other person or interests.
In regard to reports that the mayor had conferred with the attorney general while on a visit to Indianapolis, Tuesday, the mayor said there was no truth in them as he went to Indianapolis to take a patient to a hospital.
Mayor Being Spied Upon.
Declarations that the mayor had a conference with a local attorney, Tuesday, for some unknown purpose, have been characterized as results of the same kind of work which was alluded to in quoting the mayor to the effect that certain persons had acted the part of spies on actions of Captain Moles. "I shall confer with any person I care to at any time I wish," declared Dr. Quick, Wednesday, "in the interest of the public welfare. It seems that my actions are also being watched as well as those of the captain."
Just what action either on the part of the mayor or of the board of safety will be taken at the regular meeting of the board, Thursday, cannot be ascertained. Mr. McAbee is now out of the city and only two members of the board, John Collins and Charles E. Fisher, will be in the city. Mayor Quick expects to attend the board meeting.