Publication: The Muncie Evening Press
Muncie, IN, United States
col. 1
Successor to McAbee to Be
Installed as Member of
Safety Board as Means of
Forestalling a Threat.
The fight in the official family of the city administration, which has continued for the last three weeks, was due to reach its climax Monday afternoon according to Mayor John C. Quick. Late in the afternoon, E. E. Rosenthal, local confectioner, who was recently appointed to the board of public safety in the place of Philip W. McAbee, was to be sworn into office by City Controller Calvin Faris. Mr. Rosenthal was to be accompanied to the controller's office by Mayor Quick and was to take his seat immediately after taking the oath.
This action on the part of Mayor Quick and of Mr. McAbee is practically a case of forestalling the opponents of the administration and of anticipating any action to be taken by Mr. McAbee. The latter has been absent from the city for some time and for this reason nothing has been done by Mayor Quick or by the opposition save the appointment of Mr. Rosenthal to fill the position formerly occupied by the ousted commissioner. It had been rumored in several circles that the mayor had repented of his actions in demanding the resignation of Mr. McAbee and of then discharging him, and it has been said that a reconciliation might be effected, but this latest action puts at rest such rumors.
Two Courses Open.
Two actions, according to local officials, are open to Mr. McAbee in the event he attempts to regain his seat. The most likely course is the obtaining of a mandamus or that effect in the Circuit or Superior courts. However, it is thought that such a course would have but little effect once Mr. Rosenthal is sworn into office. The other course is to demand a public hearing for the purpose of stating his own side of the case. In this event, as the charges against Mr. McAbee would be filed with the mayor by the city attorney and as the mayor would act as judge, the former commissioner would have but little recourse.
No important business will be transacted by the reorganized board until the new member has had sufficient time to acquaint himself with the procedure and the method in which the business is transacted. However, it is declared by those in authority, that a meeting of vital importance will be held in the near future, the result of which may be several new faces among the employees of the police department.