Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
The Interesting Game Enjoyed at
Mrs. Shipley's Yesterday.
Mrs. Carlton Shipley entertained a large company of ladies at her handsome home on East Adams street yesterday. Duplicate whist was the amusement for the afternoon, and at 2 o'clock, the east drawing room was filled with representative society ladies, all waiting to be assigned to their tables, and that done, the fun began.
Every face was beaming, and wit and repartee ran high. Mrs. Shipley and her lovely daughters made every lady feel at home, and when the game was over and the scores were all counted, elegant refreshments were served and the ladies went home in the twilight of the lovely winter evening, declaring Mrs. Shipley a charming hostess.
Some of the ladies present were Mesdames Geo. F. McCulloch, Geo. Kirby, Robt. Widdecombe, Ned Howe, Geo. Bower, Kendall E. F. Tyler, Burt Whitely, Julius Heinsohn, Don Piatt or Ohio, Will Little, John Kirby, Ed Haffner, J. C. Tremaine, C. G. Neely, Lee Shaw, Chas. Bender, Arthur Meeks, Ed Moore, J. E. Durham, Chas. Pruizman, Robert and Ralph Hemingray, Martha James, J. F. Ethell, Lon Turner, Chas. Turner, H. H. Higlands, J. O. Cromwell, S. E. Goshorn, Will Maddy, A. L. Wright, Lone Franklin, Will Patterson, James Smith, Harry Winans, Miss Painter, and Miss Wright.