Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 16, no. 178, p. 2, col. 3
Will Soon Be a Thing of the Past in
Glass Factories.
A New and Powerful Organization
of Manufacturers Who are
Fighting the United States
Glass Trust.
The Commoner and Glassworker of this week says:
The new association of independent glass manufacturers, which was formed in this city on Thursday, Nov. 16, means that the United States Glass Co. will no have control of those branches of the flint trade which it has been the aim of this powerful trust to monopolize. As stated in our last issue, the firms represented at the formation of the association will in the future control fully 75 percent of the product designated as pressed and blown tableware and cognate branches. The new organization was launched under the title of the National Association of Pressed and Blown Tableware Manufacturers. Immediately upon the formation being completed, the following firms signed the membership roll: McKee Bros. & Co., Jeanette; Miller, Duncan & Co., Washington, Pa.; Riverside Glass Co., Wellsburg, W. Va.; Gillinder & Sons, Philadelphia; Model Flint Glass Co., Albany, Ind.; Hemingray Glass Co., Muncie, Ind.; Daizell, Gilmore & Leighton Co., Findlay, O.; Bryce, Hughes & Co., Homestead, Pa.
At the factories in the trade which have been shut down in pursuance of the agreement to aid the United States Glass Co. in the fight against the strike of its workers, will be started at once, giving employment to many thousand men and boys throughout the country, leaving the trust alone in its fight with the workers. After discussion of the situation it was decide that all the factories now idle should be started at once.