Hughes Carrying-In Device endorsed by Brookfield workers

[Trade Journal]

Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker

Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 25, no. 19, p. 5, col. 3


An Endorsement of Labor Saving Machine by

Brooklyn Bottle Blower Officials.

This is to certify that the members of Branch 52 do heartily endorse the Hughes Carrying-in Boy used in Boy used in Brookfield's glass works, Brooklyn, N. Y., for the past three years. We consider it one of the best devices ever introduced in glass factories, both for blower and employer. It would require several pages to enumerate all the good points of the machine, so we will just enumerate a few of them:

The bottles can be taken in as soon as they leave the finisher's hands. They go in regularly and there are no bent necks, bottles stuck together, chipped rings or broken ware like there was when the bottles were carried in by hand. As an instance of the saving qualities of the machine, 180 dozen quart packages would be a big day's work here when the ware was carried in by hand, but since the introduction of the Hughes machine we have packed as many as 220 dozen.

Now as to the saving of boys; it is something marvelous. Two boys with the Hughes machine will do the work that formerly required 15 boys and they do the work much better. The machine has lately been improved which makes it even more efficient than formerly. A. Huether, President, C. L. Bristol, Secretary, Branch No. 52, G. B. B. A., Brooklyn, N. Y.

NOTICE — I would like to sell a half interest in my patent to a hustler. Address,

WM. B. HUGHES, 216a   836 Grand street, Brooklyn, N. Y.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:June 10, 2005 by: Elton Gish;