[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 25, no. 42, p. 2, col. 1
Factory at Elmer May be Devoted to the
Manufacture of Electrical Supplies.
The Elmer Glass Co., of Elmer, N. Y., have sold their business and the plant there is closed for the present. The company have been engaged in the manufacture of glass insulators. When the plant was started with machines invented by Thomas Duffield, of Bridgton, a long and expensive litigation followed. The Brookfield Glass Co., of Brooklyn, N. Y., went into the United States courts with several suits, and the trials were interesting to the trade. Finally the Brookfields entered into business conferences with the Elmer company, and the result was that litigation was abandoned, and the Elmer machines were purchased outright by the Brooklyn corporation, the Elmer Glass Co. retiring from business.
Last week the latter company sold the property and plant which has been used for the being the purchaser. It is understood that a company is to be formed and that the plant will be occupied for the manufacture of pressed ware, probably electrical supplies.