Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Members of the Association Meet and Elect
Officers For the Ensuing Year.
Yesterday afternoon the annual meeting for the election of officers for the Free Kindergarten association was held and was a very important and interesting one. Reports from various committees, the secretary and other officials read and acted upon. The feature of the meeting was the election of the officers for the ensuing year which resulted as follows: President, Mrs. George McCulloch; treasurer, Edward Olcott; secretary Mrs. R. S. Gregory; vice-presidents, Mesdames Arthur Smith, W. R. Snyder, J. F. Wildman, A. J. Williams and Robt. Hemingray. Miss Fuston was elected as instructor for the Alice Tyler memorial school of Avondale which has been in session one week. The meeting was largely attended.