Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Was Had by Union Men at Anderson Yesterday.
Muncie Represented by Fully One Thousand Glass Workers – Enthusiastic Secret and Open Meetings Held In the Cause of Unionism – Everybody Royally Entertained.
Muncie was represented at Anderson yesterday by a delegation of almost 1,000 the majority being union glass workers and, in fact, men of all trades. It was a day long to be remembered as the labor demonstration held was successful beyond the most sanguine expectations and the Andersonites did themselves proud in the manner in which they portrayed their entertaining qualities, not only to the Muncie guests, but to the many who were there from Marion, Elwood, Alexandria, Redkey, Dunkirk, Indianayolis [sic] Indianapolis, Pendleton and several other places.
The demonstration was held in the interest of labor and while the union glass workers who adhere to the standard of unionism were those most interested, there were representatives of all trades and the Anderson federation of labor did all in their power to make the object of the a success. Officers of the State Federation of Labor were present and assisted. As has been stated in previous issues the object of the demonstration was to place in process of formation a movement to more fully unite all Union Green and Flint glass workers in the state, together with the Window glass workers, for the purpose of inducing non-union workers to join the union and also to agree to work together in all matters the belief being prevalent that unity denotes strength. Success was apparent consequently much was gained by those who earn their bread by the sweat of their brow.
Left for Anderson via the Big Four in a special train of twelve coaches at 10 a.m. The cars were filled and it is estimated that Muncie was represented by fully 1,000 persons. Nearly every one wore a badge denoting the fact that they were union men from the magic city. The famous city band was taken along and before the train left a short parade, was made. At the head was city marshal John G. Berry with his staff consisting of the following gentlemen:
John Thornton, John Mears, Dan Rogers, Wm. DeLaney, Wm. Connelly and John Canning from Ball Bros.; Wm. Everhard and . . . [illegible text] . . . Canning from the Muncie Glass Co.; Elmer Whitehead, Greely Ferguson and J. Riley from Nelson’s Glass Co.; Albert Evans and John Dodd from Hemingray’s Co.; Chas. Smith and Carl Lock from Maring, Hart & Co’s.; D. K. Miller J. E. Riley and Jacob Lorentz from C. H. Over and Co.
Upon arrival at Anderson another parade was made. Before dinner delegates from nearly every union factory in the state held a secret meeting and decided to hold another demonstration on March 22nd at Redkey. It was also decided that the present demonstration was an excellent manner in which to commence the formation of such an association as it might be called, as is mentioned above. Several thousand strangers were in Anderson and aft they had secured dinner public meetings were held in the
The original idea was to have but one public meeting but the crowd was so large that a chance was made and two meetings were held, one in the circuit court room and the other in the superior court.
In the circuit room, which was decorated with national flags, Judge Alfred Ellison officiated as chairman and made a very neat speech. He said he favored the union men and was glad to be of service to them. Mayor Dunlap then made a stirring address of welcome and turned the entire city over to the visitors. He was vigorously applauded. Next cam D. A. Hays, vice president, of the Green Glass Workers Association. Mr. Hays is a gentleman of good address and delivered a grand union speech. He gave valuable and interesting statistics regarding labor and made the appropriate remark that “in union there is strength.” He stated that the demonstration was the result of agitation of the flint, bottle and window glass workers and hoped that meetings of the kind would be held in every city of the gas belt.
J. W. McKinney, national secretary of the Brotherhood of Painters and Decorators spoke at some length as did Harry Bostick, a Pendleton glass worker. The latter gentleman made an eloquent speech and received great applause.
In the superior court room George Cookson, president of the Anderson Federation of Labor and Hon. W. A. Sprong made stirring speeches. After the meeting the visitors viewed the city and departed on the evening trains satisfied that the demonstration would result in the success they looked forward to.
At the Redkey meeting it is expected that the flint, bottle and glass blowers will form a consollidated [sic] consolidated combine or mutual union with about $2,000,000 in the treasury. Vice president Hays of the Green glass workers stated last night that he was almost positive that the consollidation [sic] consolidation would be effected. National president Smith of the Flint Union will address the union men at Redkey.
Robert E. Groff of Indianapolis president of the State Federation of Labor, with other state officials, met in Anderson yesterday and made arrangements for a state labor day celebration to be held in Anderson in September. Committees were appointed to arrange details and George Derrick of this city was selected as a member of the committee on speakers. Muncie union men are no positive whether they will take part in the state celebration or celebrate in….