Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Business was Transacted at the City Aldermens Session.
Some New Improvements Were Asked for Numerous Bills Were Allowed, Superintendent of Police Fortner and Health Officer Reid Presented Their Monthly Reports and a Committee was Appointed to Purchase a Valuable Plot of Ground.
The city councilmen held a short and busy meeting last night, a quorum being secured at 7:40 oclock.
A petition from residents on Tenth street was read b Moreland. The residents want the street improved with sidewalks from the Ft. w. C. & L. railroad to Hoyt avenue. It was raferred [sic] referred.
J.F. Duckwall petitioned that the south side of Wall street from Jefferson to Mulberry streets be improved with a 5 foot cement sidewalk. The petition was referred to the street and alley committee.
Zook was granted one weeks time in which to report on several sewers.
The finance committees report was a follows:
Standard Carbon Company .$ 7.50
Frank Young . 4.00
Engineer office pay roll 45.00
Cleaning asphalt streets . 33.00
J. M. Hedrick ...70.00
J. F. Simmons ... 3.50
W.L. Wood 2.06
Jockey Club Shoeing Co . 15.20
Al Cox ..13.00
Bandy Planing Mill Co .. 1.40
Lon Fletcher .75
Western Electric Co 316.78
Al Price 20.12
H.H. Highlands . 4.40
Mock & Baker ..203.40
Hemingray Glass Co .... 1.70
George Keiser & Co .. 4.71
Fire and Water Publishing Co . 2.00
C.F.W. Neely .9.50
E.W. Bennett .14.40
V.E. Silverburg . 1.50
John M. Kirby 4.50
William Love ..10.00
T.J. Slinger 3.10
The above bills were paid.
City health officer Reid tendered his report for the month of February. It was as follows: Number of births 41, males 17, females 24, deaths 22, males 13, females 9.
Superintendent of police read his report for the month of February, during which month 55 arrests were made. The report was placed on the records.
Kirby made a motion to the effect that a special committee of three be appointed to see Messrs. Hitchcock and Reed to ascertain about what price or term the property adjacent to fire department No. 1 could be purchased. Messrs. Haymond, Zook and Kirby compose the committee. The city is after more ground in order to build a modern city building.