Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Sunday Will Show An enormous Crowd of People.
The Glass Workers’ Demonstration will be Well Attended – Preparations for the Big Parade – Formation of Column and Line of March.
Preparations for the mammoth meeting of union glass workers to be held in this city Sunday are rapidly being perfected. If the Sabbath day dawns bright and clear Muncie will be visited by thousands of people and the meeting will be a grand success.
The object of the meeting is to further promulgate the move made months ago to closer affiliate the window, flint and green glass workers’ unions and to make a more decided effort to unionize all factories. To that end speeches will be made in beautiful Heekin park by such well-known orators as Samual Gompers, president of the Federation of Labor, D.A. Hays, vice president of the Green Glass worker’s union, Rev. Weichman of Gas City, Harry Bostock of Pendleton, Rev. J.F. Carney, Mayor Cromer and Prosecutor Henry Hopping of this City.
Excursions from all Indiana gas belt cities will bring in large crowds and hundreds of the strangers will join in the big parade with the Muncie union men. John Berry the grand marshal will be assisted by the following aides: Albert Evans from Hemingray’s factory, Greely Furgeson from the Muncie glass works, Dan Rodgers and John Schier from Ball Bros., and Will Tobin the wellknown clerk at the store of Keller & Fudge. The parade will be formed on Adams street with rights resting on Mulberry and Jefferson streets as may be directed by Marshal Berry, The formation will be as follows:
Platoon of Mounted Police.
Grand Marshal and Aides.
American Flag, Mounted Bearer.
Glass Workers’ Delegates.
Visiting delegations and others who may be represented.
Midland Steel Workers.
Indiana Puddlers.
Indiana Finishers.
Moulders Union.
Bakers Union.
Barbers Union.
Bricklayers Union.
Clerks Union.
Window Light Workers.