Publication: The Muncie Daily Herald
Muncie, IN, United States
Several Persons Tell the Mayor How It Is — Albert Evans Assaults Ernest Bilby — Eliza Moore Did Not Provoke Mrs Mills.
Albert Evans charged with assault and battery and Ernest Bilby charged with provoke were arrested by Patrolman Ball. Bilby, so it was charged, slapped the child of Evans and Evans retaliated on Bilby. Evans had to tell the court why he was so rude and Ernest told why he was so provoking. The usual amount was assessed in each case.
Mrs. Eliza Moore and Mrs. Mills are two residents of West Charles street and each is possessed of several children who are prone to indulge in fistic encounters and otherwise amuse themselves. Yesterday afternoon the little Angels quarreled as usual and the mothers took it up. Mrs. Mills filed an affidavit alleging provoke against Mrs. Moore. This morning the defendant, the plaintiff and about five or six small children lined up in police court and told their varied tales to the sympathetic mayor. After duly considering the evidence, the mayor found the defendant not guilty.